Ontwerpbureau N.V. Gispen
Here you will find more information about the design agency N.V. Gispen. Look for the current range of vintage Gispen chairs on our webshop. Lees meer
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Ontwerpbureau N.V. Gispen
Design agency N.V. Gispen
Over time, various designers were active at the N.V. Gispen Design Office. In the 1950s Wim Rietveld and André Cordemeyer were in charge. After the departure of Wim Rietveld, Van Osselen and L.J. Holleman took charge.
Design agency N.V. Gispen at De Machinekamer
De Machinekamer has vintage chairs from the design agency N.V. Gispen in its range. View the current collection online.
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