De Machinekamer - About us - De Machinekamer

About us


The story of De Machinekamer

Over 15 years of passion for funiture design

De Machinekamer was founded by friends Rick and Olger 15 years ago. In 2006 we bought our first batch of tubular steel chairs. We refurbished the chairs and they sold like hotcakes. One seat after the other was sold and the collection tube frame chairs was soon expanded with vintage design finds from the ’30 – ’80. After going on a holiday to Norway, we came back with a car full of furniture. It was during this holiday that our love for Scandinavian design was born. The passion for design furniture and our love for refurbishing never left.

De Machinekamer got its name

In the early years, we worked from home. But this way of working was quickly not doable anymore. Soon, the rooms were packed and it was time for an actual workshop/store.  In the old engine room (Machinekamer in Dutch) of a farm, we found our place to grow. With the sign ‘Machinekamer’ still on the door to the room, the name for our store was quickly decided

A real furniture shop in Zaandam

The old engine room quickly burst out of its seams and it was time to find a new place. In 2012, we found the space we needed in the old company garage for the Bruynzeel factory in Zaandam. Ideally located near other furniture stores. After a thorough renovation – without losing the ancient atmosphere – the industrial building is now the ideal place for our furniture.

Expansion to Utrecht

With a growing customer base from all over the Netherlands, it was time for a second store in 2020. We found a shop from the 1960s in Utrecht. After a lot of demolition, breaking and chopping, the suspended ceilings made way for the restored original sawtooth roof. Back to its former glory, it has become a bright 650m showroom, located on the furniture boulevard of the city of Utrecht.

New design furniture

With years of knowledge of materials and designs, we came up with the idea to design our own furniture. Furniture that we missed in the supply of vintage design and that would fit right in with the current customer needs. Furniture of high quality and made by European craftsmen. This was a hit. After chairs and armchairs, we started making tables and benches as well. And the new design collection continues to grow.

Old design with a new look

As design enthusiasts, we know the market of Dutch design classics like no other. The opportunity to reissue an old design classic, the Galvanitas S16 chair, was a dream. In an exclusive collaboration with the original producer and with the original moulds. A new version of the original chair and available in the colours of today.  

In the media and abroad

Over the years more and more stylists and companies found De Machinekamer. Our vintage design classics are seen regularly as decor in different media and the vintage and new design are extremely popular in the hospitality and business industry. You can already find designs from De Machinekamer in various catering businesses around the world.

We have something for you

Today, the tube frame chair is still prominent in De Machinekamer and we can rightly call ourselves the tubular frame specialist. Aside from this, we have a large collection of design classics and a growing collection of new designer furniture. All with high quality and a refined finish that we find Machinekamer-worthy. We may also have something for you. Come and visit us in Zaandam or the new shop in Utrecht, we will be pleased to show you our collection.

Would you like to learn more about us? Please contact us.




Freedom of design


We are De Machinekamer, a sanctuary for existing and new design classics.

We have a passion for extraordinary products, products that hold a story.

No mass production, just unique items with a layered character. 

If we could, we would analyze design classics right down to the last screw to understand how every detail was created.

The scent of vintage tu us is the scent of adventure and treasure hunting. 

To us, the risch history of design classics is a source of inpiration for the future. The engine of progression. 

We want to make more of design. Give old classics a new life and create new classics. We strive to give an extra dimension to the original character of the design.

With respect for old design principles, we (re)design new design icons that fit into the present day. 

Freedom of design to us, is the freedom to share products worthy of the label design with the world.