Sale at De Machinekamer - De Machinekamer


The sale concerns showroom models, completely new products, vintage products or products with light damage. Lees meer

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De Machinekamer heeft een uniek aanbod van nieuwe en vintage design-meubelen.




    0 2500
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Warehouse sale

De Machinekamer offers many products with substantial discounts. These are showroom models, completely new (second chance) products, vintage products or products with minor damage. On all products, gone = gone. So be quick!

Note: Warehouse items are not shipped by default and can be picked up by appointment in our warehouse. Do you still want to use our delivery service? Please contact us for the rates. All prices are therefore exclusive of transport. Warehouse articles cannot be returned or exchanged.

Outlet attic in Utrecht

Many of the sale items are in our store in Utrecht. Feel free to come by (when this is possible again) to view them. If there is something nice for you, you can take it with you immediately. A number of products are still in our warehouse. Would you like to come and see it? Please contact us so that we can take it with you to one of the stores.