Pastoe - De Machinekamer


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The history of Pastoe

From furniture store to furniture manufacturer

Pastoe is a company from Utrecht and was founded in 1913 by Frits Loeb. It starts as a furniture store, but due to dissatisfaction with suppliers, they decide to produce their own furniture. The production is not only a success for their store, but other retailers also start selling their wooden furniture. The factory is growing and soon becomes larger than the store. For that reason, the company continues as a manufacturer.

Cees Braakman takes the lead at Pastoe

When Cees Braakman follows his father as a manager in 1948, he changes the course of the company and introduces a new production method. Furniture designs are also changing due to these modern techniques.

The ideas of Cees Braakman

Braakman had these ideas during a study trip with the major manufacturer and plywood pioneer Herman Miller. During his visit, they were busy with the models of Charles and Ray Eames. Braakman was in the right place at the right time. The new ideas also fitted in well with the idea of ​​the Goed Wonen Foundation, which Pastoe joined. The modest and sober design of the furniture in combination with quality and customer-specific customization brought Pastoe a unique position in Dutch design history.

Pastoe at De Machinekamer

De Machinekamer also sells Pastoe furniture, view the site for our current range or visit the store.

Well-known Pastoe models 

Some models of Pastoe are: SB02, SM05, SM08